Saturday, May 2, 2009

Growing Pains

Yall, I just don't know.

You were right... "I am torn in between the two". Ok, I admit it... I like him. I am just really scared because I don't know how much he likes me back. I mean, you can hang out with someone all day and they could see you totally different than you see them. It's happened too many times in the past. I think "I want in". Whatever that means... :). But, this is the last week of school, had a great semester, stayed focused and kept my eye on the prize. I am not going to stress any of this over the summer... if I see him... I see him. If not, it wasnt meant to be lol.

Im excited about what could happen in the future though, and even if this doesnt go where I'm thinking... it might. (omg) I will have learned so much about myself. Age aint nothin but a number, whatttt?! okay im done :). it is literally 6am on a saturday morning and havent been to sleep yet, but you stayed on my mind. Out of all people... really though? Why you... you are a mess. Or maybe its me. Over the past couple of months I have learned to be so much more comfortable in my own skin, I can talk about stuff I would never have talked about before, I have learned to keep my personal life personal, I guess thats why they call it that, and talk to my mom about very important stuff nowadays. I've always wanted that type of relationship with my parents so "you" have helped me develop that, without even knowing it haha. And right now, I'm working on somethings that I have developed over the years... bad habits and communication issues. Guys have never really asked me to express every aspect of how i feel before... and for the first time, that was my only option.

If anything I am not heading toward a relationship physically, but mentally... just like my closest friends- you gotta have some sense. Thank God you do. for the most part lol (wait, ive taken that too far :)

Watever... okay Im done and off of my tangent (shouldnt have done that), but i really needed to write.


Raleigh Aggie Community Service- on the rise

I really need to find a job for the summer... money has been tight and this semester will be the last time that ever happens. Not working is not cute... especially when you don't have a boo.

Why have my homegirl and I not found an apartment yet??? are we serious (Allen) Yes. we are. Gotta get it together in the next 5 days, bc by then we will be in RaH-Lay.


ATL ;) i miss my lovelys.
VA BEACH- maybe ill meet me a military man ^for the love of the kids^
CHICAGO- step for me *do it big for the 25th bday Brandi*
LOUISIANA- aww grandma :) can't wait to see you
PHILLY- my gansta side. & my charece.

hmmmm... wait, why did I promise all of those people I would come see them this summer, i will need a sponser for this... no plane tickets set in stone yet. I guess thats what cars are for :) windows dwn listenin to my Miguel Jontel.

i need to add GREENSBORO to that list.

OH soooo after my roomate (exclusive) and I sign this lease and we cant move in until a week after school starts... who are we going to live with. Uhmph, can i stay with you?! :)

Awww its 6:30am now and the sunset is so prettttyyyy! I don't even want to go to sleep, I want to talk to somebody... I know my mom is asleep, as well as my sister, my girls, my guys... shit. && by the time everybody else gets up, I'll be knocked out. yea lets wrap this up.

WAIT, can't forget about the SWINE FLU!!!

360,000 people die from the Human Flu per year = every 365 days (not a big deal)
150 deaths from the Swine Flu = we should evacuate

Why don't people run around crazy like this for the HIV/AIDs epidemic- I feel as though we should. bc it is pretty serious. They should start selling masks and condoms together in the stores as a joint package.

OH and when I saw this... I felt some type of way- I think I fell in love with her 100x more than I already am! Look at my Michelle! ;) she is a Diva.

Alot of people are upset because she wore these $540.00 pair of kicks to a charity event... but I mean, she is a pretty highclass housewife :) lol jk, no, but really... if you work that hard on a day to day basis... your husband has put your family's life on jeopardy for the past 2 years now... she should be able to wear what ever type of shoes she wants to wear. Those are her chillin' shoes. Jeeze America... give "Chelle" a break! Would you prefer white/whites? or maybe the classic mom keds? lol.

Okay its almost 7am. I need to go to bed, so I can pretend I wasnt up all night delerious, and I wanna go to the cafe before 2 bc I have no food in my room.

PS: Morgan you were gorgeous at your prom!!!!! you rocked it! I love you sis.

Okay until next time... it is what it is ;)


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