Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Advice by the Slice :0)


Love is a ribbon in the sky... it has the ability to float aside clouds and bask in the sunlight... but when the wind is absent; it also has the ablility to fall to the ground. Make sure youre wind is never absent.


Theres nothing worse than knowing something and having to act like you don't know it, simply because of the way you found out about it. Unfortunately, there is a small part of me that isnt allowing me to take this information for face value... personally I'd like to confront them about it, but whats the point... to get into another argument. If you know someone is lying ... just let them go. I do. Just make sure you're staying one step ahead... because when you fall behind, you've lost.

It's crazy because in the beginning of this, I didnt understand a lick about compromising... I honestly believed that if it were meant to be, everything would just fall into place; nevertheless, that is untrue. Being involved in this, is not only about compromise, but about patience... old habits arent going to just go away because you're there *remember that*

Knowing somebody, is soley based off of what they have told you and what they want to tell you for the future, its never what you really think it is... I have a hard time believing that.

Getting to know me, for who I truly am is a task as well... we all have layers, so we must be patient yet again... in unfolding these layers... the worst thing you can do is rush any of it, because you run the risk of missing the beauty in the other persons flaws... it's there.


I don't have much to say on this topic, but "AGE MATTERS". Don't let anyone tell you it doesnt... you will see a difference in how things are managed by the age of the person of whom you are dealing with... you will also have to deal with alot more history, if they are older than you... its not going anywhere. "As with Life".

** and don't feel the need to want to catch... it's definitely ok. ;)


I love to blog... it's like my therapy... theres nothing like it, being able to put my mind on paper or screen for this matter, helps me to make it through the week... I do not expect this to be read... it's simply for the betterment of me. Point Blank Period... but if you've happened to run across it... theres alot here for you to take in. I write alot.

Hmmm... now where was I at.


Oh. ok. compromise. Justttttt because you think you are trying to help a situation... does'nt mean the other person thinks the situation should be helped. Every good idea ... is'nt a good idea: and i'm going to leave it at that.

I repeat... do not, just agree to something you don't agree with because you feel like it's the only way its going to work. PAUSE. that's a lie. If you disagree and have your reasons... state them and then pull the stay or bounce card. If your "friend" is ok with what it is you are disagreeing about, and the situation isnt going to be the death of yal... yall are fine... if not, how old are you again???.. under 80. Leave.

If you happen to enjoy particular things... and they know about this... yall are winning. If you happen to know things about what they enjoy ... you win more. But if the things that you all enjoy ... don't compliment the actual relationship. Theres no compromising there. Somebody is going to get hurt.


You know the number one thing that pisses me off... people who don't expose things because of how someone may react. How can you call yourself being 100 with somebody and you only are giving them 80. Then your whole foundation is crushed. Good luck with that one. Because let me tell you... if you don't mention the other 20 percent thats been slipping your mind the past 5 years... you just shitted on it all.

. and that tis all. Fellas... Ladies. it doesnt.


will take all your money. lmao. side barrrr side barrrr.
put they are cool as hell.
If your man wants to go to the strip club on a date... try it. You will have fun. Oh wait... pause. If you want to go and he doesnt... take him so he can relieve his stress.... just 'Be Fun' (JStrat)


Use protection- you'll leave the situation with a clean slate and without a cum stain... you know wat a cum stain is? a kid you didn't need to have and both parties are not there. ohhh ok.

Don't stalk- stalk and relationship don't go together. don't stalk your girl.

Don't look through stuff, that is'nt yours...
sorry, but you'll probably find something that is'nt yours too
Don't press situations- ok... soooo if he didnt tell you the truth and you know he's lying... why go harder... just go home.

Don't interrogate- a person who cares about you will sit and talk to you until you're ok... if they arent willing to do that. They probably are either sick of you and want you to leave hahhaha or lying.

Oh... and don't give you life savings away to anybody you arent married to. Bc if you don't trust them... you probably won't be together for long.. so why play married. Stop the maddness.

If you are uncomfortable with something... if you have an irry feeling... that gut intuition... that good ol' conscience is tapping on your shoulder?

Ask your questions accordingly and if you still feel some type of way afterward... leave. Fellas... shes cheating. lol Ladies... hes lying.

But, don't kill the other person over it... Clearly you were'nt the one. Hahha. Believe me it's not a loss....

:) :) :) :)

Men Lie. Women Lie. Statistics Don't. scratch that. Stats do lie... lol. The truth won't.

Be aware. and Have fun. Life is short lived. Whew.... live it.

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