Saturday, May 3, 2008

Too Blessed to be Stressed && Too Annointed to be Disapointed

So clearly, I doint write on this blog too often... but this soon will change. I was blessed with the opportunity to recieve and accept an Internship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Mobile, Alabama. This opportunity will allow me to join a great research team and work with at risk adolescents and study their behaviors and effects of living in poverty. I have had internships in the past, but this will be my first out of state experience. I had an interesting time deciding whether or not I would accept the offer, based on the fact that I have no family in Alabama and I had never been there before. But, I really do think that God works in his own special way... and if i was granted this opportunity to help others, then I should jump at the opportunity and take it.
Finals are this week at school, and I will be going home on Tuesday May 6th. I really can not wait to get back to Raleigh. I miss everyone back at home so much... this was a great first year though and I would'nt have changed anything for the world. I learned alot about myself and I learned that good things do come to those who wait... but when the good things do come... one must be able to recognize them and go for it!
For the most part... my friendships stayed the same or got closer. Arguments did occur between my favorite 3 girls, but we held it together and that is what I love about them. My Brittany, Taylar and Ashley are my heart. Besides my parents, they are what have made me a stronger person and develop into the young women I am today. They are smart, dedicated, go getter girls and I love them for that. When we all get home this summer... it is definately going to be a blast. I kind of want to go to the beach.
Oh yea... today is my homies bday... Adrianne. Happy Birthday Missy... just in case you do read this. i love u with all i got... (Panera Bread Partner in Crime)
I think I am a very random person right now... Idk what to do. It is 4:47am on Saturday morning and I am truly tired as all get out, but I am continuing this blog, due to the fact that I never write in it. AT ALL. My favorite seniors are graduating at the end of this month... and I am very sad. A lot of the friends that I really made were upperclassmen which was great... but unfortunate bc they leave before you. I learned alot from every one that I worked with on and off campus this year and I am ready to move to the next step in my life.
Please pray for me that I have a good "rest of finals"this week. Over the summer, of course I will have more to write in my online blog... but definately when I am researching over in Alabama... I will keep up with my blog daily as an online journal.

With Love,

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